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Is university worth it? Yes, for both students and society

As we enter the holiday season, many young people are no doubt beginning to consider their future options. With a range of paths to pursue, a high rate of youth unemployment in Canada and a higher education sector facing ...

Should you hire a life coach in 2025?

With the New Year fast approaching, many will be setting goals and ambitions for the next 12 months. This can be a daunting exercise, clouded by a cost-of-living crisis, economic turbulence and ever-moving societal shifts—not ...

More news

Social Sciences
Avoiding customer backlash: Study highlights importance of transparency in return policy changes
Social Sciences
Climate of fear is driving local officials to quit—new study from California finds threats, abuse rampant
Social Sciences
Get outside: How schools can incorporate outdoor time
Social Sciences
How to prepare for your bilingual baby
Social Sciences
Toxic tetrad leads to workplace woes, banking sector study finds
Social Sciences
From smaller homes to screen time, backyard cricket is facing challenges in modern Australia
Social Sciences
Getting people out of their cars is possible with the right plans and policies—case study
Social Sciences
Climate anger can lead to action—or curdle into despair: Researchers find out why
Social Sciences
'You can't hear a smile': How video visits help dads in prison stay connected with their kids
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Systemic solutions needed to counter spread of science misinformation, says new report
Social Sciences
Professor challenges tokenizing women of color in academia
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Inequality weakens local governance and public satisfaction, study finds
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Volunteers should not become friends with patients, say Norwegian researchers
Social Sciences
Plumbing poverty: More people living without running water in US cities since global financial crisis
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How UFO sightings can help measure public attention and economic patterns
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Child-free employees face Christmas bias, according to research
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How to deal with narcissistic relatives over the holidays
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Why don't more women choose to propose to their male partners?
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Study reveals strategies for managing narcissists at home and work
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Exploring motivations and barriers for climate change activists

Other news

Quantum Physics
A new calculation of the electron's self-energy improves determination of fundamental constants
Planetary Sciences
The future lifespan of plants just got extended
German astronomers discover three new hydrogen-deficient pre-white dwarfs
Molecular & Computational biology
Introducing HORNET, a novel RNA structure visualization method that correlates sequence and 3D topology
Russian shipwreck in Iran reveals centuries-old Caspian Sea cargo
New method traces molecular gas mass in distant galaxies
Earth Sciences
New method estimates Atlantic freshwater transport across latitudes
Microplastics found in multiple human organ tissues correlated with lesions
Paleontology & Fossils
New dinosaur, Archaeocursor asiaticus, hints at early Gondwana to Laurasia migration
Observers investigate a nearby galaxy cluster merger
Soft Matter
The science behind your Christmas sweater: How friction shapes the form of knitted fabrics
Quantum Physics
Researchers achieve calculation of Jones polynomial based on the Majorana zero modes
Plants & Animals
Striking new moray eel discovered in Central Indo-Pacific river mouths, named after god of the underworld
Study reveals Rujm el-Hiri's ancient observatory role unlikely
2D materials with 'twist' show unexpected electronic behavior that defy theoretical predictions
Molecular & Computational biology
Foreign DNA 'sneaks' past bacterial defenses, aiding antibiotic resistance
Engineers develop first deep-UV microLED display chips for maskless photolithography
Earth Sciences
Decoding haze sources and formation mechanisms with coal combustion experiments and sulfur isotopes
Paleontology & Fossils
New study reconstructs the skull of ancient Cretan hippo
Astronomers discover an ultra-massive grand-design spiral galaxy

Many more men are dying on Australian roads than women

Men are killing themselves on the roads in large numbers. Currently, policymakers fail to recognize the different ways men and women use roads, and the resulting ways they are killed or injured.

Research reveals cultural fascination with female con artists

In the last few years, television shows about con women have been popping up on streaming services. From Apple TV's "Hollywood Con Queen" to Hulu's "The Dropout," audiences clearly have a thirst for stories about female scammers.