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Should Canada follow Australia and ban social media for teens?

The Australian government recently passed legislation that bans social media for anyone under 16. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese hailed the legislation for putting "the onus on social media platforms—not young people or ...

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Quantum Physics
The first observation of time-domain oscillations between two distant semiconductor spin qubits
Astronomers find massive supernova remnant closer than previously thought
Strontium isotope map of Sub-Saharan Africa: A powerful tool for archaeology, forensics and wildlife conservation
Ultrathin conductor surpasses copper for more energy-efficient nanoelectronics
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Quantum simulators: When nature reveals its natural laws
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Drug-resistant hookworms put pets and people at risk
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Brain-inspired nanotech offers new path for smarter electronics
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Smarter memory: Researchers introduce next-generation RAM with reduced energy consumption
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Models predict climate change will lead to increase in invasive spongy moth outbreaks
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Nickel-58 nucleus may host elusive toroidal dipole excitations
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Patagonian droughts linked to harmful algal blooms
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Data-driven study finds gender inequality in academic publishing

Editors of academic journals hold an influential position in their field. They have decision-making power over which authors and papers get published, set journal policy, and help shape the trajectory of their discipline. ...

TikTok makes teenagers happy, says researcher

Is TikTok ruining today's youth? Not at all, according to a study led by Emilie Owens, researcher at the University of Oslo. The study is published in the journal International Research in Children's Literature.