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References to ancient Britain linked to hostility online

Political posts on social media that most frequently referenced ancient history tended to be more extreme, hostile and overwhelmingly negative in tone than average, finds a new study by researchers from UCL and the University ...

US disinformation researcher laments 'incredible witch hunt'

Understanding disinformation has emerged as a lightning rod in the United States ahead of the November election, with academics and think-tanks facing lawsuits by right-wing groups and subpoenas from a Republican-led congressional ...

Disinformation thrives on division in our cities

In extraordinary times of rapid information production and sharing, distrust and disruption, disinformation is having an increasing impact on cities. And cities are on the front line of disinformation response strategies.

More news

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Do crypto enthusiasts actually make up a significant voting bloc in the US?
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Voting as a social determinant of health
Social Sciences
Warning labels from fact checkers work—even if you don't trust them—says study
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Locking up young people might make people feel safer but it doesn't work, now or in the long term
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How strategic litigation for asylum seekers can be effective
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Study suggests gun-free zones do not attract mass shootings
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Perception and deception in times of crisis: Characteristics of messages and sources that allow information to spread
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Twenty-six states may soon need to regulate cannabis—here's what they can learn from Colorado and Washington
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Researchers call for more tailored approach to dealing with different types of sex offenders
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Is there such a thing as an objectively beautiful building? Here's the science
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Researcher: Apps, 911 services and mobile phones don't offset deadly consequences of more restrictive border policies
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Q&A: Author explores the toll of QAnon on families of followers
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Opinion: The real issue at the heart of Canada's meat processing industry isn't labor shortages—it's low wages
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From harmony to civil war: When language turns deadly
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Ukraine recap: Drone warfare brings new phase to battlefront
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2018 to 2021 saw no change in rates of intimate partner homicide among women
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Opinion: AI should not be allowed to adjudicate cases in Canada's Federal Court
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Spot AI images this election: Fact vs. fiction tips
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Study links gentrification to reduced crime, but downsides of gentrification can't be ignored
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Public opinion of new justices affects views on entire Supreme Court

Other news

Analytical Chemistry
Zeolite catalyst method use microwaves to convert waste cooking oil into useful chemicals
Quantum Physics
X-rays from atomic systems could reveal new clues about rival quantum theories
Optics & Photonics
Scientists prove long-standing wave amplification theory
Plants & Animals
Pesticides in combination can have unexpected effects on the development of honeybees
Earth Sciences
Effort to improve wintertime air quality in Fairbanks, Alaska, may not be as effective as intended
Paleontology & Fossils
Three new ancestors added to Tasmanian tiger's storyline
Earth Sciences
Growing key biomethane crop on peat emits three times more CO₂ than using natural gas, finds study
Plants & Animals
Digitally cataloging archived plant specimens can transform conservation efforts
General Physics
ATLAS probes Higgs interaction with the heaviest quarks
Optics & Photonics
Electrically modulated light antenna points the way to faster computer chips
Bio & Medicine
New mass spectrometry technology could transform tiny sample analysis
Biomolecules inside living cells can now be seen with infrared light thanks to new method
New observations shed more light on the nature of a millisecond pulsar binary
Hubble and Chandra find supermassive black hole duo
Analytical Chemistry
Theoretical model for multisite alloy catalyst design quantifies active site contributions
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists learn how to drug wily class of disease-causing enzymes
Earth Sciences
Extreme weather to strengthen rapidly over next two decades, research suggests
Plants & Animals
Video evidence: Japanese eels escape from their predator's stomach
Analytical Chemistry
New Mo carbide catalysts show high stability and activity in CO₂ conversion
Molecular & Computational biology
How context-specific factors control gene activity