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Archivist explores Troy's invisible workers

While poring over nearly century-old photos documenting the University of Cincinnati's historic excavation at Troy, archivist Jeff Kramer was struck by just how many people worked behind the scenes for years to contribute ...

Can doomscrolling trigger an existential crisis?

In a world-first study on the impact of doomscrolling from an existential perspective, Flinders University researchers warn that habitual checking of disturbing stories on social media is linked with changes to how we view ...

AI is poised to radically disrupt the fashion industry landscape

Fashion is a dynamic business. Most apparel brands make at least two to four collections per year. While selling current seasonal collections, brands plan for the next ones at least a year in advance, identifying market trends ...

Gender inequality across US states revealed by new tool

Researchers have developed and validated a new tool for comparing gender inequality among different regions of a country, highlighting links between gender inequality, well-being, and participation in the #MeToo movement ...

Uber Eats eats into Uber ridesharing

When Uber expanded into food delivery, the move was expected to bring additional revenue to the ridesharing company. It certainly did.

Strengthening journalism careers in an age of mistrust

A new study by researchers from the University of Adelaide and several U.S. universities has found solutions journalism could play a part in re-engaging disenchanted media students, strengthening their reporting skills, and ...

More news

Economics & Business
The cost of eating healthy: NZ fruit and veg prices are going up way faster than processed food
Archaeological scanners offer 2,000-year window into the world of Roman medicine
Plaice may have been most popular flatfish on dinner tables in medieval times
Social Sciences
The current international poverty line is a 'misleading shortcut method,' say experts
Economics & Business
Research evaluates strategy for supply chains under pressure
Political science
Social media polls deliberately skew political realities of 2016, 2020 US presidential elections, finds researchers
Social Sciences
Black feminism may offer more inclusive approach to special education
Social Sciences
Loneliness in the workplace is greatest among men with traditional views about being the breadwinner
Social Sciences
Five ways to help LGBTQ+ students feel supported at school
Political science
Partisan politics fuel altered perceptions of immorality, study finds
Social Sciences
Q&A: How can different types of brains bolster startup success?
Social Sciences
Study shows naming farm animals reduces preschoolers' desire to eat them
Economics & Business
Study: For small sellers, sometimes it pays to sell to Amazon—and sometimes not
Economics & Business
With the rise of global mobility, researchers say the topic of international employees' adjustment needs attention
Social Sciences
Study finds language affects how quickly we perceive shades of color
Economics & Business
Examining the benefits of worksite weight-based discrimination training
Economics & Business
Study shows how narcissistic CEOs influence boards of directors to take more risk
Economics & Business
How a 'social good' firm is defined can impact its value creation and value capital
Economics & Business
Study: Consumption-tracking technology mixed bag for consumers
Did plague really decimate Neolithic farmers 5,200 years ago, as a new study suggests?

Other news

Cell & Microbiology
New model explains precise timing of viral cell bursting
Opening up new ground in the search for dark matter
Planetary Sciences
A new explanation for Jupiter's shrinking Great Red Spot
Another intermediate-mass black hole discovery at the center of our galaxy
Studies explore converting wastewater to fertilizer with fungal treatment
Planetary Sciences
Ground conditions can impact lunar swirls, study finds
Earth Sciences
Mathematicians team up with geophysicists to improve models that predict changes in sea ice
Soft Matter
Bursting of underwater oil drops: How pollution may remain in water after oil spill cleanups
Plants & Animals
Tropical plant species are as threatened by climate change as widely feared, study confirms
Plants & Animals
Anatomical study of the mudskipper reveals their adaptations to walking on land
Fish biodiversity found to benefit nutrition, particularly for lower income people
Observations detect a nearby hypervelocity stellar/substellar object
Dynamic view of opioid receptor could refine pain relief
Quantum Physics
Scientists integrate solid-state spin qubits with nanomechanical resonators
Plants & Animals
Study finds facially expressive primates make better leaders
De-risking drug discovery with predictive AI
Earth Sciences
Tool predicts rogue waves up to five minutes in advance
Plants & Animals
New hope for critically endangered Siamese crocodile
Scientists replicate enzyme that captures carbon
Scientists unveil cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings

High ceilings linked to poorer exam results for uni students

Ever wondered why you performed worse than expected in that final university exam where you sat in a cavernous gymnasium or massive hall, despite countless hours, days and weeks of study? Now you have a genuine reason—high ...

Mass tourism brings dollars but with all the baggage

Last August, the picturesque Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan halved to US$100 per night a charge levied on international tourists. The fee recognized the "important role of the tourism sector in generating employment, earning ...

Can we make 'citizen science' better?

During a stifling heat wave in August 2021, 80 volunteers from Massachusetts communities along the Mystic River fixed sensors to their car windows and bicycles, traveling along 19 predetermined routes recording ambient temperature ...

Study reveals birth month impact on soccer careers

What do soccer players Jamal Musiala, Arda Guler and Cristiano Ronaldo have in common? Not only are they shining for their respective nations in Germany; they were each born in February. Researchers at the University of Strathclyde ...

Research investigates employment match quality

The quality of an employment match is an important aspect of understanding labor market dynamics, according to Professor Michèle Belot, but measuring match quality presents many challenges.