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New high-rise schools need green spaces for students to grow

A recent University of Melbourne study published in Architecture has found secondary students at some of Brisbane and Melbourne's new inner-city "vertical schools" craved outdoor green spaces to help them feel connected to ...

College students' mental health improving, more finding support

The latest annual Healthy Minds Study, which surveyed 100,000-plus college students from 200 universities across the United States, has good news to report: There are decreases in symptoms of anxiety, depression and thoughts ...

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Study finds when self-determination model provided to schools with support, teachers and all students benefit
STEM afterschool programs' benefits extend to friend groups
Social Sciences
What nonverbal cues reveal about online learning and robotics
How stories can teach young people about life in a changing climate
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Should you reward kids for success? Or is there a better way to talk about achievement?
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Film director explains how to make inclusive cinema to favor access for people with disabilities
Licking an ice lolly at school might make a good memory, but this isn't the secret to learning science
Schools urged to teach children how to spot conspiracies and fake news
A 'river of experience': How many ways of knowing inform a course on the climate crisis and actions
'Digital pause': France pilots school mobile phone ban
For a young child, the first day in day-care center opens the door to a new world
Study finds program boosts cognitive engagement of students with language and attention difficulties
When is a good time for a child to start music lessons?
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Researchers: An overhaul of sex education is needed to combat sexual and gender-based violence in schools across England
All types of school absences can be damaging to exam results and career prospects: UK Report
Different mathematical solving methods can affect how information is memorized
Don't say math is hard: How parents can help children succeed at math
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New school year offers chance to help teens manage stress
Political posts on X could harm academics' credibility, new study finds

Other news

Earth Sciences
An AI tool for scanning sand grains opens windows into recent time and the deep past
Plants & Animals
Scientists discover nonstomatal control of water loss in critical crops
Plants & Animals
Researchers find golden eagles improve their flight skills with age
Optogenetic control reveals collective cell behavior
How Olmec elite helped legitimize their political power through art
Astronomers detect black hole 'starving' its host galaxy to death
Designing a better water filter: A fabric-like filter to remove tiny plastics and lead from drinking water
The 15-minute city: Why time shouldn't be the only factor in future city planning
New tidally tilted pulsator discovered by astronomers
Plants & Animals
New 'grumpy' fish species discovered in the Red Sea
Condensed Matter
Tunable nonlinear Hall effect observed at room temperature in tellurium
General Physics
Energy-saving computing with magnetic whirls
Beyond displays: Liquid crystals in motion mimic biological systems
Symmetry model sheds light on the chemistry surrounding peptide helices
Bio & Medicine
Modified nano-sized cell particles found to boost cancer immunotherapy, reduce side effects
Plants & Animals
Researchers find evidence that bumblebees make the same memory errors as humans
Earth Sciences
Comprehensive model uses airborne LiDAR data to predict walking travel times with unprecedented accuracy
Analytical Chemistry
Using sunlight to turn greenhouse gases into valuable chemicals
Paleontology & Fossils
Paleontologists find omnivorous ancestor of the giant panda, revealing it was not always just a bamboo eater
Research team uses terahertz pulses of light to shed light on superconducting disorder

Dutch youth found to have little knowledge about democracy

Dutch youth are less informed about democracy than peers in similar countries. This is evident from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), an international survey conducted in 24 countries on citizenship ...

What are bush kinders? And what makes a good one?

In Australia we have a long history of taking children outdoors to learn about the natural environment. But thanks to computer games, tablets, and busy lifestyles, children aren't getting as much exposure to nature as they ...