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STEM afterschool programs' benefits extend to friend groups

Research has established that youth participation in science-focused afterschool clubs leads to a higher science identity—or seeing oneself as a science kind of person or as a scientist—and that peers exert influence ...

What nonverbal cues reveal about online learning and robotics

In today's digital reality, where virtual classrooms are increasingly commonplace, it's essential to know how to make online education as impactful as traditional face-to-face learning. A recent study conducted at Cluster ...

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For a young child, the first day in day-care center opens the door to a new world
Study finds program boosts cognitive engagement of students with language and attention difficulties
When is a good time for a child to start music lessons?
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Researchers: An overhaul of sex education is needed to combat sexual and gender-based violence in schools across England
All types of school absences can be damaging to exam results and career prospects: UK Report
Different mathematical solving methods can affect how information is memorized
Don't say math is hard: How parents can help children succeed at math
Where are all the male teachers?
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New school year offers chance to help teens manage stress
Proper greening of schoolyards fosters inclusion, creative learning and children's health
Political posts on X could harm academics' credibility, new study finds
Study reveals impact of research assessments on UK legal publishing
Researcher: Playing technology games and making science fun helps young kids solve visual problems, grasp ideas better
Research-based toolkit supports neurodiverse children
AI tools like ChatGPT popular among students who struggle with concentration and attention
STEM program for middle- and high-school girls inspires brilliance
Short empathy training program found to measurably improve classroom behavior
Identifying inclusive training needs for English teachers in Japan teaching students with disabilities
Researchers find academic equivalent of a Great Gatsby Curve in science mentorships
How a downtown university 'story walk' promotes children's literacy and belonging in higher education

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Spectrophotometric study explores an early-type dwarf galaxy
Earth Sciences
Oceans absorb 6% more carbon thanks to rain, study reveals
Analytical Chemistry
Chromium doping enhances catalyst performance for faster oxygen evolution
Quantum Physics
Google Quantum AI demonstrates a quantum memory system that greatly reduces error rates
Astronomers discover a long-hidden small black hole in an unusually evolved binary system
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Cleaner wrasse check their body size in mirror before deciding whether to fight, research demonstrates
Space Exploration
Voyager 1 team accomplishes tricky thruster swap
New measurements of gravitational anomaly at low acceleration favor modified gravity, researcher claims
Multiple ways to evolve tiny knee bone could have helped humans walk upright
General Physics
First neutrinos detected at Fermilab short-baseline detector
Thanks to humans, Salish Sea waters are too noisy for resident orcas to hunt successfully
General Physics
Science fair project leads to new research explaining the glugging effect
Planetary Sciences
Cloud atlas of Mars showcases array of atmospheric phenomena
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Streamlining energy regulations on Native American reservations could help alleviate poverty
Cell & Microbiology
Study proves transfer of feline coronavirus between domestic and wild cats
Plants & Animals
Researchers sequence the genome of the spur-thighed tortoise
Earth Sciences
Rolling in the deep: Street flooding can be predicted in seconds with machine learning models
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Summer storms found to be stronger and more frequent over urban areas
Paleontology & Fossils
Paleontologists discover fossil birds with teeth had seeds in their stomachs, indicating that they ate fruit
Bio & Medicine
Diagnostic test that combines two technologies with machine learning could lead to new paradigm for at-home testing

Why entrepreneurship education fails in impoverished regions

As formal employment opportunities are rare in impoverished regions, entrepreneurship is considered a key alternative to help people in such regions improve their livelihoods. Many development organizations have adopted a ...

More academic freedom leads to more innovation, reports study

In many countries, scientists have experienced a loss of academic freedom in recent years. This trend has been criticized on the basis of fundamental principles. However, there has been no research to date on whether the ...