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IQ tests: Can you improve your score by practicing?

Most adults never have to take an IQ test. But tests for assessing students' cognitive abilities, such as the cognitive ability test (Cat), are used in schools around the world. These tests are very similar to IQ tests. Taking ...

Study finds limited highlighting boosts reading comprehension

If you scroll through the average student's digital textbook or reading, you will probably see multi-colored streaks scattered everywhere. However, new research reveals that excessive highlighting may do more harm than good.

Mitigating barriers for children walking and biking to school

Nearly 20 years ago, the U.S. Congress approved funding to implement the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program across the country. SRTS promotes safe and accessible active transportation, like walking or biking, for students ...

Decolonizing a university's tropical ecology curriculum

A new study of curriculum reading material at the University of Glasgow finds that 94% of recommended tropical ecology authors are white, and that 80% of authors are affiliated with universities outside of the tropics. Dr. ...

High ceilings linked to poorer exam results for uni students

Ever wondered why you performed worse than expected in that final university exam where you sat in a cavernous gymnasium or massive hall, despite countless hours, days and weeks of study? Now you have a genuine reason—high ...

Why boredom can be great for kids

"I'm bored!" It's a phrase parents and caregivers work tirelessly to avoid hearing, but it may be the gateway to unleashing a child's creativity, social development and even life skills.

More news

Teaching biology—no more stressing out over structural formulas
Curriculum change halved girls studying computing
Early childhood problems linked to persistent school absenteeism
AI-generated exam submissions evade detection at UK university
Study provides insights into the use of decodable texts in early reading instruction
Social Sciences
College may not be the 'great equalizer'—luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains
Social Sciences
Q&A: Research shows children and adolescents may be motivated to rectify gender and ethnicity biases in the classroom
AI predicts upper secondary education dropout as early as the end of primary school
Social Sciences
Addressing LGBTQ+ disparities in STEM and higher education: Making the invisible visible
Study: Teacher perceptions of chronically absent young students may add to the challenges of missing school
Social Sciences
Social media warning labels and school cell phone bans: Do they unlock better youth mental health?
Economics & Business
Researchers release first national study on partner-friendly support for dual-career academic jobseekers
Why expanding access to algebra is a matter of civil rights
Extensive eye-tracking dataset derived from Japanese L2 English learners' text reading
Phonics and why it is used to teach reading
Students' awareness of their cognitive processes facilitates the learning of math, finds study
Economics & Business
Teachers report worse pay and well-being compared to similar working population
Enhancing children's understanding, critical thinking and creativity through collaborative designing of AI apps
Rethinking English essay scores
Study finds German students rank middle of the pack in creative thinking

Other news

Quantum Physics
Researchers demonstrate how to build 'time-traveling' quantum sensors
Bio & Medicine
Study: Nanoparticle vaccines enhance cross-protection against influenza viruses
Economics & Business
New tools are needed to make water affordable, says study
Planetary Sciences
Mars likely had cold and icy past, new study finds
Quantum Physics
New method achieves tenfold increase in quantum coherence time via destructive interference of correlated noise
Plants & Animals
Lion with nine lives breaks record with longest swim in predator-infested waters
Condensed Matter
New multimode coupler design advances scalable quantum computing
Earth Sciences
New incompletely rifted microcontinent identified between Greenland and Canada
Study investigates the nature of very-high energy gamma-ray source TeV J2032+4130
High-speed electron camera uncovers new 'light-twisting' behavior in ultrathin material
Condensed Matter
Visualizing the boundary modes of the charge density wave in a topological material
Planetary Sciences
Modeling study proposes a diamond layer at the core-mantle boundary on Mercury
Social Sciences
Perceived warmth, competence predict callback decisions in meta-analysis of hiring experiments
Social Sciences
Those excited for holiday season are more likely to feel they come quicker, study shows
Scientists create comprehensive map of sea worm neural circuits
Not so simple: Mosses and ferns offer new hope for crop protection
Astronomers find the nearest massive black hole, a missing link in massive black hole formation
Plants & Animals
Tiny TnpB: The next-generation genome editing tool for plants unveiled
Bio & Medicine
Nanoparticle-based delivery system could offer treatment for diabetics with rare insulin allergy
Condensed Matter
Study demonstrates generation of orbital current via magnetization dynamics