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How social structure influences the way people share money

People around the globe often depend on informal financial arrangements, borrowing and lending money through social networks. Understanding this sheds light on local economies and helps fight poverty.

Nobel Prize-winning economist explains how to fix fintech

Financial services, like many institutions, are losing Americans' trust. That's a problem. Economies depend on a healthy financial system, as became painfully evident during the 2008 financial crisis, and that system operates ...

Small firms may offer higher pay due to a lack of market power

Small companies may post higher wages for entry level positions than large companies—potentially attracting better talent, even though the larger companies have more influence on the market, according to new Cornell research.

More news

Social Sciences
Could a wealth tax help reduce inequality?
Social Sciences
High pay seen as sign of competence, study suggests
Economics & Business
Why saying you'll 'never retire' may be a warning sign
Social Sciences
Study finds solid waste industry focuses more on traditional occupational hazards than social determinants of health
Economics & Business
Firms that withdrew from Russia following Ukraine invasion earn higher consumer sentiment, finds study
Economics & Business
Goodwill created a new high school for dropouts—it led to better jobs and higher wages
Economics & Business
Family-owned businesses hold non-family CEOs more accountable than family CEOs for firm performance
Social Sciences
Study reveals complexities of addressing needs of those in remote-rural areas
Economics & Business
Businesses trying to come clean about their impact on nature can end up concealing more than they reveal
Economics & Business
What is 'dynamic pricing' for concert tickets? It can cost you hundreds of dollars while you queue
Social Sciences
Ads from Hell: How a pizza brand's marketing reveals NZ's shifting religious attitudes
Social Sciences
The work-from-home blues have a secret source: Nostalgia
Social Sciences
The relationship between emotions and economic decision-making differs across countries, multi-national analysis finds
Social Sciences
Aversion to inequality drives support for redistribution policies, study finds
Economics & Business
Older homeowners with spare bedrooms may offer housing crisis fix
Social Sciences
How to fight 'technostress' at work
Economics & Business
Optimism fuels national productivity and innovation
Social Sciences
Immigrants are unsung heroes of global trade and value creation, say economists
Economics & Business
COVID-19 job losses impacted early withdrawal from retirement accounts: Study
Social Sciences
How your Zoom background could influence how tired you feel after a video call

Other news

General Physics
Security protocol leverages quantum mechanics to shield data from attackers during cloud-based computation
Cell & Microbiology
Shedding light on a decades-old protein sorting mystery
Study offers new explanation for Siberia's permafrost craters
Earth Sciences
Climate change will lead to wetter US winters, modeling study finds
Plants & Animals
Presence of bacteria in soil makes flowers more attractive to pollinators, study shows
Planetary Sciences
Existence of an Earth-like planet around a dead sun offers hope for our planet's ultimate survival
Planetary Sciences
NEID Earth Twin Survey discovers its first alien world
Hubble finds that a black hole beam promotes stellar eruptions
Analytical Chemistry
New research could extend the lifetime of key carbon-capture materials
Turbulent solar wind originates in the sun's corona, study shows
Analytical Chemistry
Simultaneous detection of uranium isotopes and fluorine advances nuclear nonproliferation monitoring
Earth Sciences
The unexpected role of magnetic microbes in deep-sea mining
Cell & Microbiology
A new AI model can predict substrate movement into and out of cells
Bio & Medicine
Scientists develop method to control timing of synthetic DNA droplet division
Social Sciences
Team debunks research showing Facebook's news-feed algorithm curbs election misinformation
Dead coral skeletons hinder reef regeneration by sheltering seaweed
Earth Sciences
Four billion years ago, but not so different: Plate tectonics likely looked closer to what we experience today
Unexpected discovery of early sweet potato cultivation in Polynesia
Planetary Sciences
Aliphatic hydrocarbons on Ceres' surface found to have short lifetimes
Plants & Animals
Scientists uncover a critical component that helps killifish regenerate their fins

Reducing smartphone use found to increase work satisfaction

On average, we spend three and a quarter hours a day looking at our phones. Cutting back this time by one hour a day is not only good for our mental health, but also helps us to feel happier and more motivated at work.

People underestimate the income of the top 1%, researchers find

People selectively underestimate how rich the world's richest people are, according to a study. Increasing income inequality in many countries is driven by steep gains among the top 1% of earners. In the United States, support ...

Thousands of students in Scotland at risk of homelessness

Thousands of students across Scotland are at risk of homelessness and unable to access the right housing in the country's biggest cities, according to a new report co-authored by researchers from the University of Glasgow.

Why do Asian consumers love luxury shopping?

The Asia-Pacific region is the largest consumer of personal luxury goods in the world. Asian consumers shop at home and overseas in cities like New York, Milan and Paris, contributing to the luxury industry's remarkable growth.

Ads featuring interracial couples produce mixed results for brands

A new paper co-written by a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign scholar who studies how authenticity and aesthetics intersect with branding found that interracial couples featured in advertisements enhanced brand outcomes ...