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Trio wins economics Nobel for work on wealth inequality

The Nobel prize in economics was awarded on Monday to Turkish-American Daron Acemoglu and British-Americans Simon Johnson and James Robinson for research into wealth inequality between nations.

Research collaboration examines Filipino migration dynamics

Over one million Filipinos leave their country every year to work. The high emigration figures not only concern the Philippine state, but also the economist Andreas Steinmayr. In July 2024, he resumed a long-standing collaboration ...

Rental crisis in regional cities prompts rethinking of moves

James Cook University researchers say Cairns is a prime example of a regional city where the rental housing crisis is making people who have moved to the city rethink their choice—and they say city planners must act if ...

The unintended consequences of brick-and-mortar's decline

Lately, many big retail brands have been closing physical locations, in what has become known as the "retail apocalypse." Whether the stated reason is declining revenue, or concerns related to "shrinkage" and employee safety ...

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Local craft beer consumers lose loyalty when their favorite brands are acquired, finds study
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Study questions link between cooperation and societal benefits
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Gender rating gap in online reviews study reveals women are less likely to share negative experiences
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Why using a brand nickname in marketing is not a good idea
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Too good to be true? New study shows people reject freebies and cheap deals for fear of hidden costs
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No time for a holiday? A 'workation' could be the answer
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Why it's so hard to kick fossil fuels out of the sports industry
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Cutting emissions the smart way: How an intensity-based approach drives real change
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Study shows how international student mobility can reduce poverty in low and middle-income countries
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People don't like a 'white savior,' but does it affect how they donate to charity?
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Brands' dark side: FOMO spurs obsession, compulsive buys
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How celebrity CEOs affect risk-taking behavior for restaurant businesses
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Study finds donations more effective than discounts for delayed delivery
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Singapore families show high resilience during pandemic
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How passion drives or derails team innovation
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Researchers propose a new paradigm for economic performance and sustainability
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Experienced and powerful boards are needed to harness the power of overconfident CEOs for innovations
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As Yelp turns 20, online reviews continue to confound and confuse shoppers
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Combating promotion and tenure bias against Black and Hispanic faculty
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Study: Job embeddedness impacts voluntary turnover in the midst of job insecurity

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Saturn Trojan asteroid confirmed
Astronomers observe a strong superflare from giant star
Plants & Animals
Study suggests that 'Jedi' rodents remotely move matter using sound to enhance their sense of smell
Optics & Photonics
Quantum computing and photonics discovery potentially shrinks critical parts by 1,000 times
Scientists develop a new method to study gene function in cells and tissue
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Scientists successfully breed corals to improve their heat tolerance
Space Exploration
Is life possible on a Jupiter moon? NASA goes to investigate
Volunteers help identify hundreds of undiscovered prehistoric barrows
Shaping nanocrystals: Unlocking the future of screens, solar and medical tech
Bio & Medicine
Novel nanoparticle therapy targets fat absorption to combat obesity
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Gibbon dances provide model to investigate the use of gestural signals in primates
Novel protocols for estimating Hamiltonian parameters of a superconducting quantum processor could improve precision
Study investigates very metal-poor star HE 2315−4240
Space Exploration
In a first, Starship megarocket booster caught by SpaceX's 'chopsticks'
One of the earliest examples of a winged seed found in a mine in China
Planetary Sciences
'Killer electrons': Lightning storms play cosmic pinball with space weather
Quantum Physics
Google's sycamore quantum chip beats classical computers running random circuit sampling
Optics & Photonics
Researchers develop a laser that produces the strongest ultra-short laser pulses to date
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Ancient climate analysis reveals unknown global processes
Saturday Citations: All that sparkles is plastic; woke tree diversity; the gravitational basin in which we reside

Opinion: Rent control on its own won't solve the UK housing crisis

Rent control is frequently proposed as a solution to the housing crisis. Advocates might not always be precise about what they mean by the term, but the idea of regulating, capping or stabilizing rents tends to attract popular ...

Fad food products: Good for profits, not necessarily health

The search for healthier food options combined with an increase in nutrition-related diseases has given rise to nutrition fads such as eating gluten-free, taking supplements and adopting restrictive diets. This, in turn, ...

Do first-gen college grads face bias in the job market?

Peter Belmi, who earned his Ph.D. at Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2015, was the first in his family to attend college. Today he's a professor at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business. Yet when ...