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How divorce is boosting gender equality in Sweden—new study

Single mothers are one of the most vulnerable groups in societies around the world. In Sweden, the number of women with these care responsibilities has nearly halved over the past two decades. What has caused this change? ...

The pinnacles: Deep time, not termite mounds

On Yued Noongar country, 250km north of Perth, the Pinnacles have been standing quietly for 25,000 years. This vast network of stone columns, numbering in their thousands, is a popular tourist destination within Nambung National ...

Occupational hazards for ancient Egyptian scribes

Repetitive tasks carried out by ancient Egyptian scribes—high-status men with the ability to write who performed administrative tasks—and the positions they sat in while working may have led to degenerative skeletal changes, ...

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Analysis of NASA InSight data suggests Mars hit by meteoroids more often than thought
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A harmless asteroid will whiz past Earth Saturday. Here's how to spot it
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New computational microscopy technique provides more direct route to crisp images
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New method for generating monochromatic light in storage rings
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Investigating newly discovered hydrothermal vents at depths of 3,000 meters off Svalbard
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Updating the textbook on polarization in gallium nitride to optimize wide bandgap semiconductors
Soft, stretchy electrode simulates touch sensations using electrical signals
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Researchers develop technology to mass produce quantum dot lasers for optical communications
Astronomers discover two new Milky Way satellite galaxy candidates
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New NOvA results add to mystery of neutrinos
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Scientists clarify origins of lunar metallic iron
A possible world record: Studying thin films under extreme temperatures with reflectometry
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New class of Mars quakes reveals daily meteorite strikes
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Biodegradable electronics may advance with ability to control dissolve rate
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Climate change to shift tropical rains northward, suggests computer modeling
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Researcher discovers 1 in 5 bacteria can break down plastic