New records set up with 'screws of light'

University of Vienna research team has succeeded in breaking two novel records while experimenting with so-called twisted particles of light. These results, now published in the journal PNAS, are not only of fundamental interest ...

Which genes are crucial for the energy metabolism of Archaea?

A research team led by Christa Schleper from the University of Vienna succeeded in isolating the first ammonia-oxidizing archaeon from soil: Nitrososphaera viennensis—the 'spherical ammonia oxidizer from Vienna.' In the ...

'Farming' bacteria to boost growth in the oceans

Chemosynthetic symbionts are bacteria living inside or on the surface of animals, supplying their host with food that would otherwise be unavailable. It has long been known that these bacteria fix carbon and convert it into ...

Azure-winged magpies show human-like generosity

Magpies do not always have the best reputation, as they are generally known for their tendency to steal shiny things. Also other bird species tested for prosociality so far turned out to be either indifferent to benefitting ...

'Weighing' atoms with electrons

The different elements found in nature each have their distinct isotopes. For carbon, there are 99 atoms of the lighter stable carbon isotope 12C for each 13C atom, which has one more neutron in its nucleus. Apart from this ...

Unconventional cell division in the Caribbean Sea

Most bacteria divide by placing a protein called FtsZ at the division site. Traditionally, it was thought that FtsZ must organize into a ring in order to recruit a dozen of other proteins and together with them exert an homogeneous ...

Ravens learn best from their affiliates

One of the benefits of living together is gaining new information from group members. Once a group member starts displaying a new behavior, it frequently spreads to the rest of the group. In a study on ravens, Cognitive Biologists ...

How to get moral 'free-riders' to cooperate

What motivates people to contribute to trustful moral judgment, which is a public good yet tends to be costly? This is 'the moral free rider problem'. Mathematician Tatsuya Sasaki from University of Vienna and colleagues ...

How water gets its exceptional properties

Water is liquid at room temperature – astounding for such a small molecule. Insights into the causes are provided by a new simulation method, which has its origins in brain research. Using artificial neural networks, researchers ...

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