The University of Utah a.k.a. University of Deseret, was originally founded in 1850 by Brigham Young. The University of Deseret failed financially and reemerged as the University of Utah in 1867. Since 1867 the University of Utah has steadily grown into one of the world top 100 institutions for research in medicine, technology and science. The University of Utah offers 76 undergraduate degrees, and 96 graduate degrees plus professional degrees in medicine and law. The Department of Computer Science is rated highly by academics and the business community. Adobe Systems, WordPerfect, Atari, CAE Systems and other notables were created at the University of Utah. In recent decades the University of Utah has become a premier cancer research center, (The Huntsman Center) and incorporated a Nano Technology Institute for research. The University is particularly keen on genetic research, environmental research and offers opportunities for international scientists to participate in first rate research.


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Why males pack a powerful punch

Elk have antlers. Rams have horns. In the animal kingdom, males develop specialized weapons for competition when winning a fight is critical. Humans do too, according to new research from the University of Utah. Males' upper ...

Your hair knows what you eat and how much your haircut costs

Millimeter by millimeter, your hair is building a record of your diet. As hair strands are built from amino acids that come from your food, they preserve the chemical traces of the protein in that food. It's a strong enough ...

Early humans evolved in ecosystems unlike any found today

To understand the environmental pressures that shaped human evolution, scientists must first piece together the details of the ancient plant and animal communities that our fossil ancestors lived in over the past 7 million ...

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