When health deteriorates, who does the housework?

Older married women shoulder more housework than their husbands do even when neither of them are in the labor force—and health problems she may have don't change that arrangement unless they are significant.

Arctic clouds highly sensitive to air pollution

In 1870, explorer Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, trekking across the barren and remote ice cap of Greenland, saw something most people wouldn't expect in such an empty, inhospitable landscape: haze.

Meet the tiny machines in cells that massacre viruses

When viruses infect the body's cells, those cells face a difficult problem. How can they destroy viruses without harming themselves? Scientists at University of Utah Health have found an answer by visualizing a tiny cellular ...

How ice in clouds is born

Something almost magical happens when you put a tray full of sloshing, liquid water into a freezer and it comes out later as a rigid, solid crystal of ice. Chemists at the University of Utah have pulled back the curtain a ...

Metacognition training boosts gen chem exam scores

It's a lesson in scholastic humility: You waltz into an exam, confident that you've got a good enough grip on the class material to swing an 80 percent or so, maybe a 90 if some of the questions go your way.

New tyrannosaur fossil is most complete found in southwestern US

A remarkable new fossilized skeleton of a tyrannosaur discovered in the Bureau of Land Management's Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) in southern Utah was airlifted by helicopter Sunday, Oct 15, from a remote ...

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