Exploring the history of the baboons of early Egypt

In ancient Egypt, various deities were portrayed as animals. Thoth, the god of learning and wisdom was represented by a hamadryas baboon. Baboons, probably held in captivity in Egypt, were mummified as votive offerings after ...

Mystery of the seadragon solved

Seadragons (Phyllopetryx taeniolatus) live off the coast in western and southern Australia. An international team involving evolutionary biologist Axel Meyer from the University of Konstanz has now found the genetic basis ...

New protein-sensing mechanism discovered

In a stunning discovery, molecular biologists from the University of Konstanz and ETH Zurich have been able to demonstrate that the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) senses newly synthesized proteins upon birth ...

Understanding the language of the eyes

What is the significance of the sclera of our eyes? A question which researchers have been interested in for some time now. Recently a research team led by comparative psychologist Dr. Fuhimiro Kano has succeeded in deciphering ...

Two-dimensional nanoparticles with great catalytic potential

Hydrogen is considered an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional fossil fuels. Until now, expensive and rare substances such as platinum have been needed for its catalytic production, for example via electrolytic ...

On the road to faster and more efficient data storage

How do magnetic waves behave in antiferromagnets and how do they spread? What role do "domain walls" play in the process? And what could this mean for the future of data storage? These questions are the focus of a recent ...

Scientists dissect the complex choices of animals

What is important when you choose a home? Space, security, light—or a combination of these? Like humans, animals make choices about where to live that have important implications for their livelihoods. But unlike humans, ...

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