Evolutionary split up without geographic barriers

A fundamental question in evolutionary research is: is a geographic barrier dividing the original population into two genetically separated populations required for the origin of new species? Or is so-called sympatric speciation ...

The social transmission of stress in animal collectives

Stress is a widespread phenomenon that occurs when, for example, humans feel threatened or overwhelmed, have too much work or are in imminent danger. We communicate to others that we are stressed through our behavior and ...

Physics principle explains order and disorder of swarms

Current experiments support the controversial hypothesis that a well-known concept in physics—a critical point—is behind the striking behavior of collective animal systems. Physicists from the Cluster of Excellence Centre ...

Animal testing under REACH: Bringing numbers into the debate

Sixteen years ago, the REACH chemical regulation came into force across Europe. REACH obliges the chemical industry to identify the health risks of all chemicals used in their products. The downside of REACH is that this ...

More sustainable recycling of plastics

Plastics are among the most widely used materials, and they are vital components of all modern technologies. So far, it has been possible to recycle these valuable materials only to a limited extent. In order to offer novel ...

Using artificial intelligence to understand collective behavior

Professor Thomas Müller and Professor Hans Briegel have been carrying out research on a machine learning model for several years that differs significantly from alternative artificial intelligence (AI) learning models. The ...

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