Researchers remove protein aggregates from cells

Protein aggregates accumulate during aging and are linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or Huntington's disease. A new study by the Nyström lab at Gothenburg University, in collaboration with ...

Pacific oysters are dominant on Sweden's west coast, shows study

The Pacific oyster has taken over in the Swedish west coast county of Bohuslän. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have found that the invasive species accounts for two-thirds of the biomass of all mussel and oyster ...

New dataset reveals more female diplomats in the world today

The United Nations has designated 24 June as International Day of Women in Diplomacy. A new dataset was recently published that documents the share of women and men among the world's ambassadors. The research program Gender ...

Fish farm waste can be used to produce biogas, study shows

Digesting fish waste can allow circular fish and vegetable farms (aquaponics) to produce biogas that can be fed back into the energy system of these farms. This also generates excellent nutrition for plants, according to ...

New way of identifying proteins supports drug development

All living cells contains proteins with different functions, depending on the type of cell. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have discovered a way to identify proteins even without looking at their structure. Their ...

Fauna return rapidly in planted eelgrass meadows, study shows

A study of eelgrass meadows planted by researchers from the University of Gothenburg shows that fauna return rapidly once the eelgrass has started to grow. Already after the second summer, the biodiversity in the planted ...

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