Recreating outer space plasma systems in the lab

Thermodynamics provides insight into the internal energy of a system and the energy interaction with its surroundings. This relies on the local thermal equilibrium of a system. The application of classical thermodynamics ...

New DNA amplification capsule holds promise for fighting diseases

DNA amplification—a molecular "photocopying" technique where genetic material is replicated—has many applications in scientific research, forensic science, and medical laboratories. It is useful for detecting and identifying ...

Splitting crystals for 2-D metallic conductivity

Sheets of electrons that are highly mobile in only two dimensions, known as 2-D electron gas, have unique properties that can be leveraged for faster and novel electronic devices. Researchers have been exploring 2-D electron ...

Changing the silkworm's diet to spin stronger silk

Tohoku University researchers have produced cellulose nanofiber (CNF) synthesized silk naturally through a simple tweak to silkworms' diet. Mixing CNF with commercially available food and feeding the silkworms resulted in ...

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