Sulfur respiration in mammals

A common sulfur metabolite having antioxidant activity appears to be formed with the help of an enzyme found in mitochondria, highlighting a potential area of research for future treatments of various diseases.

Optimizing recycling of scrap car parts yields big savings

Sorting scrap car parts into just eight classes could increase recycling rates of alloy elements to over 97% in Japan, according to a study by Tohoku University researchers and their colleagues. Their analysis found that ...

Researchers shed further light onto zinc homeostasis in cells

A research group has unearthed how zinc transporter complexes regulate zinc ion (Zn2+) concentrations in different areas of the Golgi apparatus and revealed that this mechanism finely tunes the chaperone protein ERp44.

A switch to control the spin current

Researchers at Tohoku University in Japan have discovered a switch to control the spin current, a mechanism needed for information processing with full spin-based devices.

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