The Stowers Institute for Medical Research is a biomedical research organization that conducts basic research on genes and proteins that control fundamental processes in living cells to analyze diseases and find keys to their causes, treatment, and prevention. The main facility is located in Kansas City, Missouri. The Institute was incorporated with an initial donation of $50 in 1894 by James E. Stowers and his wife Virginia Stowers, cancer survivors and founders of American Century Investments.


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TRACS set the stage in flatworm regeneration

People who fish and regularly use earthworms as bait may be familiar with the animal's ability to regenerate a head or tail when cut in two. Yet while impressive, an earthworm's regenerative capacity is child's play compared ...

New study probes the ancient past of a body plan code

Researchers from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research have opened a window on another piece of evolutionary biology. They have found that Hox genes, which are key regulators of the way the bodies of bilaterally symmetrical ...

Scientists show how some of Earth's earliest animals evolved

Lacking bones, brains, and even a complete gut, the body plans of simple animals like sea anemones appear to have little in common with humans and their vertebrate kin. Nevertheless, new research from Investigator Matt Gibson, ...

How the selfish genes of yeast succeed

New findings from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research uncover critical insights about how a dangerous selfish gene—considered to be a parasitic portion of DNA—functions and survives. Understanding this dynamic ...

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