Creating vortices in a superfluid made of light

By using a special combination of laser beams as a very fast stirrer, RIKEN physicists have created multiple vortices in a quantum photonic system and tracked their evolution. This system could be used to explore exotic new ...

Using complex electron systems to create green materials

At the L'Aquila Summit held in July 2009, G8 nations reaffirmed the target of at least a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions worldwide by 2050. They also set a target for developed countries to reduce greenhouse gas ...

Nanotechnology points the way to greener pastures

Nourishing crops with synthetic ammonia (NH3) fertilizers has increasingly pushed agricultural yields higher, but such productivity comes at a price. Over-application of this chemical can build up nitrate ion (NO3–) ...

K computer takes first place on HPCG benchmark

On November 16, the K computer took first place in the HPCG benchmark, a new index developed to create a more realistic view of supercomputer performance compared to the commonly used LINPACK benchmark. This success, which ...

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