Going to Mars and never coming back

If all goes to plan, humans will be settling Mars by 2032. And there's a good chance someone on the crew will be from Australia.

The science of cryopreserving the human body

A small group of companies are offering an alternative to the traditional options that follow death: preserving corpses by freezing your body for future scientists to revive. But is this even possible?

Trapdoor spiders of Perth

Perth's coolest spiders, the woman on a mission to protect them and her 89-year-old inspiration.

How vampire bats survive on a diet of blood

It may seem batty, but blood is the diet of choice for several species of bats. Now, scientists discover that jumping genes provide the evolutionary key to this vampiric life.

Ants prefer a hard-earned treat

We are not exactly closely related to ants, but our brains have one surprising similarity: we both value highly the prize we get after a hard day's work.

Inside an asteroid

Why Perth scientists are hoping to score asteroid fragments brought back to Earth by an ambitious space mission.

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