What if your car spied on you?

Driverless cars are set to change many aspects of everyday life, including an area you may not have thought of: privacy.

Dogs with jobs join cat fight

Who let the dogs out? And why? Wildlife warriors have enlisted dogs in the fight to save our threatened animals from feral cat predation.

The wisdom of pearl farming

Why exactly do little white nuggets from the sea cost so much? And how have humans hacked the biological process that makes them?

How do kangaroos breathe while they hop?

If you hop like a kangaroo, you might be able feel the air being pushed out of your lungs. Here's why it happens and why it matters.

We are still evolving

From the colour of our eyes to the size of our brain, humans have been adapting to their environment, acquiring new abilities and losing others. We take a look at how evolution is still shaping us.

A beer that's truly out of this world

Aussies are brewing a new generation of beer. One that will boldly go where no beer has gone before, solving the age-old problem of how to get drunk in space.

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