Theorists Close In on Improved Atomic Property Predictions

( -- Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Indiana University have determined the most accurate values ever for a fundamental property of the element lithium using a novel approach ...

Researchers create 'synthetic magnetic fields' for neutral atoms

( -- Achieving an important new capability in ultracold atomic gases, researchers at the Joint Quantum Institute, a collaboration of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland, ...

Physicists Turn to Radio Dial for Finer Atomic Matchmaking

( -- Investigating mysterious data in ultracold gases of rubidium atoms, scientists at the Joint Quantum Institute of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland and their ...

Large-scale cousin of elusive 'magnetic monopoles' found

( -- Any child can tell you that a magnet has a "north" and a "south" pole, and that if you break it into two pieces, you invariably get two smaller magnets with two poles of their own. But scientists have spent ...

Diamonds May Be the Ultimate MRI Probe, Say Quantum Physicists

( -- Diamonds, it has long been said, are a girl's best friend. But a research team including a physicist from the National Institute of Standards and Technology has recently found that the gems might turn out ...

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