Growing nanowires horizontally yields new benefit: 'nano-LEDs'

While refining their novel method for making nanoscale wires, chemists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology discovered an unexpected bonus -- a new way to create nanowires that produce light similar to that ...

Glasperlenspiel: Scientists propose new test for gravity

A new experiment proposed* by physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology may allow researchers to test the effects of gravity with unprecedented precision at very short distances -- a scale at which ...

Walls falling faster for solid-state memory

After running a series of complex computer simulations, researchers have found that flaws in the structure of magnetic nanoscale wires play an important role in determining the operating speed of novel devices using such ...

NIST Detector Counts Photons With 99 Percent Efficiency

( -- Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have developed the world's most efficient single photon detector, which is able to count individual particles of light traveling through fiber ...

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