Low-current, highly integrable spintronics device developed

A research team at National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) and Tokyo University of Science, Japan, jointly developed a device capable of controlling magnetism at a lower current ...

High-pressure generator using a superconducting diamond developed

Researchers of National Institute of Materials Science and Ehime University, Japan, developed a new diamond anvil cell by micro-fabricating a superconducting diamond, which conducts electricity like metal and serves as electrodes, ...

Map of diamond-boron bond paves way for new materials

Scientists in Japan have successfully recorded the atomic bonds between diamond and cubic boron nitride: the hardest known materials on earth. This feat could ultimately lead to the design of new types of semiconductors.

High efficient solar water heating achieved with nanoparticles

A research team in Japan discovered through numerical calculations that nanoparticles of transition metal nitrides and carbides absorb sunlight very efficiently, and confirmed experimentally that nitride nanoparticles, when ...

Translating materials with math

Mathematics has been very successful throughout history in translating complex scientific concepts. Einstein's famous equation E=mc2, for example, describes how mass and energy are interchangeable. But as scientific fields ...

Finding superconducting needles in the metal haystack

The discoverer of the first iron-based superconductor, one of Science magazine's 2008 runner-up breakthroughs of the year, now reports finding around 100 new superconducting materials.

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