Scientists discover new properties of uranium compounds

Scientists from Russia, China and the United States predicted and have now experimentally identified new uranium hydrides, predicting superconductivity for some of them. The results of their study were published in Science ...

Superconductivity and ferromagnetism fight an even match

Russian physicists from MIPT teamed up with foreign colleagues for a groundbreaking experimental study of a material that possesses both superconducting and ferromagnetic properties. In their paper published in Science Advances, ...

Scientists solve the golden puzzle of calaverite

Scientists from Russia and Germany have shed light on the crystalline structure of calaverite, foretelling the existence of a new gold compound previously unknown to chemists. The results of their study were published in ...

Linear equations system will restore impaired hand motion

Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have developed a model for predicting hand movement trajectories based on cortical activity: Signals are measured directly from a human brain. The predictions ...

Polymer antibodies efficiently target and eliminate cancer cells

A joint research team from Russia and the U.K. has demonstrated the possibility of developing a new type of anti-neoplastic drugs based on nanoMIPs, or "plastic antibodies." NanoMIPs are synthetic polymers that can function ...

Researchers couple artificial atom to acoustic resonator

Researchers from Russia and Britain have demonstrated an artificial quantum system in which a quantum bit interacts with an acoustic resonator in the quantum regime. This allows quantum optics principles to be applied in ...

Superconducting vortices quantize ordinary metal

Russian researchers, together with their French colleagues, have discovered that a genuine feature of superconductors—quantum Abrikosov vortices of supercurrent—can also exist in an ordinary non-superconducting metal ...

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