MSU students take aim at bear spray canisters

Visitors to national parks and forests are encouraged to use bear spray when they encounter grizzlies, but disposing of the bear spray canisters is a problem that three Montana State University engineering students addressed ...

MSU team developing new way to fight influenza

( -- Montana State University scientists are researching the use of nanomaterials to develop a new way of fighting influenza and other respiratory infections caused by viruses.

Beer Here

( -- Drinking beer is a simple act, but making beer is not. It starts out with genetics and tens of thousands of barley varieties and ends with a clear ambrosia that belies the time, effort and technology that ...

Study explores violent world of raptors

A journey that started with a box of bird feet carried three Montana State University graduate students into the gruesome world of raptors and led to their findings being published in a prominent journal.

Study looks at turning manure into revenues

( -- Livestock manure isn't often thought of as a value-added product, but researchers at Montana State University and MSU Extension are trying to change that.

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