National ads urged enthusiastic consumers to visit copper mines

Today's tourists may stop by the Berkeley Pit in Butte, Mont., to see how large-scale mining resulted in a Superfund site, but Americans in the 1950s had different reasons for visiting the mine, says Montana State University ...

Montana State professor hopes to help high elevation pines grow

Thread-like fungi that grow in soils at high elevations may play an important role in restoring whitebark and limber pine forests in Canada. Montana State University professor Cathy Cripps is looking for ways to use fungi ...

Feed your crop, not the weeds

If you have weed problems in your cropping system, will adding nutrients just feed the weeds?

Houndstongue is a controllable problem on range and wild lands

( -- Houndstongue--also known as beggar's lice, dog's tongue, sheep bur and woolmat--is not only a general nuisance to those of you who find its sticky seeds stuck in your shoelaces or the hair of your dogs and ...

Small steps can improve your health and wealth

( -- Just as a team can achieve more than an individual, so can resolutions to improve your health and to improve your finances reinforce each other, say Montana State University Extension specialists.

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