Is Australia the birthplace of birds nests?

The most common birds nests found today had their birthplace in Australia, and these nests may be key to many of our birds' success, according to new research from Macquarie University, released today.

Bacteria in estuaries have genes for antibiotic resistance

An international group of researchers, including Professor Michael Gillings from Macquarie University, have reported that pollution with antibiotics and resistance genes is causing potentially dangerous changes to local bacteria ...

Massive database collates information about human proteins

Much remains to be understood about how proteins in the human body works in unison; however a newly developed resource is giving scientists a more complete picture of how the proteome makes us uniquely human. MissingProteinPedia, ...

Are we actually affected by the music in stores?

The ubiquitous music heard across shopping centres, clothing stores, supermarkets, coffee shops and bars is widely thought to have positive effects on customer mood and behaviour, however a new study has found this may not ...

How ethnicity and religion can influence financial habits

New international research from Macquarie University has found that people with a religious or ethnic background are more likely to save money, quelling the long-held belief that income and financial proficiency are the main ...

Lizard learning ability not affected by home environment

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers have found that the learning ability of a social, family-oriented lizard, the Australian tree skink, is not affected by the environment they were raised in.

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