The global transport of microbes

Wastewater, tourism, and trade are moving microbes around the globe at an unprecedented scale, a group of international researchers, including Professor Michael Gillings from Macquarie University, have argued. The editorial ...

The shark network—exposing the social lives of sharks

Researchers have shown for the first time that sharks show very strong preferences for particular individuals in their social networks over years and prefer to hang out with other individuals of the same sex and size, in ...

The financial cost of opportunity lost

When we make big financial decisions, such as buying or selling property or even deciding to accept a new job, we are willing to accept a lower price in the short term rather than 'spend' our time to search longer, new Australian ...

The Star Wars 'superlaser' may no longer be sci-fi

In a world-leading study researchers at Macquarie University have proven a method for multiplying laser power using diamond, demonstrating that a laser similar to the Star Wars 'superlaser' may no longer remain in science ...

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