Japanese squirrels can consume 'poisonous' mushrooms

Associate Professor Suetsugu Kenji (Kobe University Graduate School of Science) and independent photographer Gomi Koichi have observed a Japanese squirrel (Sciurus lis) routinely feeding on well-known species of poisonous ...

Environmental monitoring of organic pollutants using plants

Researchers at Kobe University's Biosignal Research Center have successfully developed plants that can be used to detect organic pollutants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which contaminate ...

A new mechanism behind continuous stem cell activity in plants

An inter-university research group has succeeded in constructing the gene expression network behind the vascular development process in plants. They achieved this by performing bioinformatics analysis using the 'VISUAL' tissue ...

Changing carbohydrates into lipids for microalgae biofuels

A cross-institutional collaboration has developed a technique to repartition carbon resources from carbohydrates to lipids in microalgae. It is hoped that this method can be applied to biofuel production. This discovery was ...

New method of artificially creating genetic switches for yeast

A group of researchers from Kobe University and Chiba University has successfully developed a flexible and simple method of artificially producing genetic switches for yeast, a model eukaryotic organism. The group consisted ...

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