The University of Kiel (German Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, CAU) is a university in the city of Kiel, Germany. It was founded in 1665 as the Academia Holsatorum Chiloniensis by Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp and has approximately 23,000 students today. The University of Kiel is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The University of Kiel was founded under the name Christiana Albertina on 5 October 1665 by Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. The citizens of the city of Kiel were initially quite sceptical about the upcoming influx of students, thinking that these could be "quite a pest with their gluttony, heavy drinking and their questionable character" (German: mit Fressen, Sauffen und allerley leichtfertigem Wesen sehr ärgerlich seyn). But those in the city who envisioned economic advantages of a university in the city won, and Kiel thus became the northernmost university in the Holy Roman Empire.

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, Germany

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New catalyst accelerates release of hydrogen from ammonia

Germany can probably only meet its demand for climate-friendly hydrogen by imports, for example, from South America or Australia. For such long-distance transport, hydrogen can be converted into ammonia.

Process for the optical analysis of trace gases optimized

Laser-based absorption spectroscopy is an important method for determining the concentration of gas components in a sample. Modern devices are highly specialized for detecting very specific gases, such as trace gases in the ...

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