Dynamic 3D structure extraction from HS-AFM images

Allowing the direct observation of biomolecules in dynamic action, high-speed AFM has opened a new avenue to dynamic structural biology. An enormous number of successful applications developed within the last 15 years provide ...

The offshoot of cells visualized in real time

In a study recently published in the Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, researchers from Kanazawa University use high-speed microscopy to capture the dynamics of nanosized sacs released from cells.

Simulating 3D-AFM images for systems not in equilibrium

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters how to simulate 3D atomic force microscopy images of out-of-equilibrium systems involving biomolecules. The approach makes use of a celebrated ...

Assigning moving features in high-speed atomic force microscopy

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Biophysics and Physicobiology how to optimize high-speed atomic force microscopy experiments on live cell membranes, so that moving objects like molecules can be properly followed ...

Biomolecular insights into protein-insolubility-related disease

Amyloidosis is the collective name for a group of diseases characterized by the deposition of amyloids—insoluble proteins that form due to the misfolding and aggregation of soluble proteins—outside of cells. Such depositions ...

Color coding molecular mirror images

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Science Advances a new method for distinguishing between enantiomers, molecules that are mirror images of each other. The procedure, relevant for the pharmaceutical industry, involves ...

New solvents to break down plant cellulose for bioethanol

Scientists from the Institute of Science and Engineering at Kanazawa University have developed new solvent mixtures to break down the tough structure of plant cellulose for the production of bioethanol. These new solvents ...

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