Mexican scientists design a new system to control the mistletoe

Mistletoe comprises a group of plants unable to take water and nutrients from the soil, so they have to absorb other plants for survival. These parasitic plants easily reproduce, and in some cases, even kill their hosts. ...

Microalgae increases the survival of juvenile queen conch

Tthe Mexican Caribbean is habitat to several species of snails. Historically the most abundant was Strombus gigas, commonly called the pink snail. For years, this snail has been harvested for its shells and meat, but is now ...

Success installing wastewater treatment plants on slaughterhouses

The wastewater with high organic content, such as the one discarded on slaughterhouses, can be cleaned of up to 96 percent of its pollutants thanks to technology developed by Mexican scientists, which also promotes the generation ...

Researching materials to optimize battery performance

Creating environment friendly energy storage systems, non-explosive and with charge/discharge long-term cycles, motivated a group of scientists from the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Campus Iztapalapa (UAM -I), to research ...

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