Study finds only one type of consumer dictates price

It's commonly assumed that the supply-and-demand economics of the consumer marketplace dictates price. If you are one of few retailers that sells a product consumers want, you can charge more. If supplies of that product ...

When you buy at a discount online, are you really paying more?

A study published in a recent issue of INFORMS journal Marketing Science has found evidence of a questionable practice that tricks consumers into thinking they are getting a discount when they are actually paying more.

What goes into a retailer's decision to lower prices?

Holiday shoppers are finding that discounts among some of the items on their shopping lists are a little easier to find this year due to higher inventories at retailers and a slowing demand due to inflation and certain recessionary ...

Promoting cigarette brands in TV shows yields unexpected results

New research in the journal Marketing Science, conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago and University of Washington, finds a 10% increase in TV product placement for cigarettes increases sales by 2% for the ...

Study examines the impact of fake online reviews on sales

Can you really trust that online product review before you make a purchase decision? New research has found that the practice of faking online product reviews may be more pervasive than you think.

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