In a maddening subway crowd? Escape with Mobile Shopping Immersion

What do irritable, squished riders on a crowded subway train do? According to a forthcoming study in the INFORMS journal Marketing Science, they often immerse themselves in their mobile phones to escape the crowd, and that ...

Companies increase profits with multichannel shoppers

Companies can increase profits by getting customers to buy through more than one channel, for example the bricks-and-mortar store and the Internet rather than the store alone. However, this strategy requires a well-honed ...

Supermarkets/mom and pops battle in emerging markets

A study of early-stage supermarket adoption in India finds that upper and lower middle class consumers are most likely to favor new, modern groceries while the "middle" middle class is more likely to patronize mom and pop ...

Counterfeiting improves fashion quality, study finds

Counterfeit products have the power to stimulate innovation in the fashion industry and benefit consumers, according to a new study published in Marketing Science, a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the ...

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