Efficient mRNA delivery by branched lipids

Messenger RNA (mRNA) are biological molecules that transfer the information coded by genes in the nucleus to the cytoplasm for protein synthesis by ribosomes. mRNA sequences can be designed to encode specific proteins; the ...

The right squeeze for quantum computing

A new theoretical model involves squeezing light to just the right amount to accurately transmit information using subatomic particles. Scientists at Hokkaido University and Kyoto University report that this theoretical approach ...

Little-known beaked whale found in cold waters off Hokkaido

Cetaceans are the best-known fully aquatic animals, including whales, dolphins and porpoises. The group includes more than 90 existing species, divided into baleen whales (Mysticeti) and toothed whales (Odontoceti). Toothed ...

High pressure is key for better optical fibers

Optical fiber data transmission can be significantly improved by producing the fibers, made of silica glass, under high pressure, researchers from Japan and the US report in the journal npj Computational Materials.

Reusing waste energy with 2-D electron gas

More than 60 percent of the energy produced by fossil fuels is lost as heat. Thermoelectric energy conversion has attracted much attention as a way to convert waste heat from power plants, factories and cars into electricity. ...

How to be a male without the Y chromosome

Hokkaido University researchers have revealed that key sex-determining genes continue to operate in a mammalian species that lacks the Y chromosome, taking us a step further toward understanding sex differentiation.

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