The Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) is part of the Novartis Research Foundation and is a world-class center for basic research in life sciences based in Basel, Switzerland. The FMI is devoted to the pursuit of fundamental biomedical research. Areas of expertise are: In these fields the FMI has gained international recognition as a center of excellence in innovative biomedical research. Research is carried out in 22 independent but highly interactive research teams. In addition, seven technology platforms, ranging from functional genomics to microscopy and imaging, support the research activities with cutting-edge technology. As of 2011, the institute counts 320 collaborators of which 90 are postgraduate students participating in the FMI International PhD Program, 100 are postdoctoral collaborators and 22 are research group leaders. Since 2004, the institute is led by Susan M. Gasser. in chronological order The FMI is an affiliated institute of the University of Basel. It provides biomedical research and career training for over 90 PhD students. FMI selects its highly international student body during a twice-yearly interview-based selection program.


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New small molecule helps scientists study regeneration

Regenerating damaged tissues or organs has been a dream of scientists for decades. Now, researchers at the FMI and Novartis Biomedical Research have discovered a new molecule that activates a protein involved in regeneration. ...

Molecular 'hub' regulates gene-silencing proteins

To keep their vital functions in balance, many organisms use small snippets of RNA to "silence" messenger RNAs that code for certain proteins. New research from FMI scientists has revealed a molecular hub that integrates ...

Revealing how an embryo's cells sync up

Scientists have known that when a mouse embryo is developing, the cells that will become its spine and muscles switch specific genes on and off repeatedly, in a synchronous fashion. However, there are deep mysteries about ...

Translating an RNA boosts its degradation, find researchers

In the cell, messenger RNAs—or mRNAs—are translated into proteins and eventually degraded, but the relationship between translation and mRNA decay remains cloudy. FMI researchers developed an innovative tool to control ...

Key proteins keep DNA regions close for longer

New work by Friedrich Miescher Institute researchers shows that key proteins help to stabilize the interaction between otherwise highly dynamic DNA structures. The findings shed light onto how the complex folds that help ...

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