Sunlight stimulates microbial respiration of organic carbon

Sunlight and microbes interact to degrade dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in surface waters, but scientists cannot currently predict the rate and extent of this degradation in either dark or light conditions. A recent study ...

How bacteria produce manganese oxide nanoparticles

Bacteria that produce manganese (Mn) oxides are extraordinarily skilled engineers of nanomaterials that contribute significantly to global biogeochemical cycles. However, mineralization mediated by these organisms is poorly ...

Optimizing cyanobacteria for biofuel production

Cyanobacteria have attracted significant attention as potential biocatalysts for production of clean energy and green chemicals from sunlight and atmospheric CO2. A recent study investigated effects of altering large cellular ...

Research hones pore-scale models

The physical and chemical processes that occur at the scale of individual soil particles dictate the way fluids flow underground over much larger scales. To more accurately predict how plumes of subsurface fluids, such as ...

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