The Duke-NUS Medical School (Duke-NUS) – formerly known as "Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School" – is a collaboration between Duke University, in Durham, North Carolina, United States, and the National University of Singapore, in Singapore. The school was first set-up in 2005. Duke-NUS follows the American model of post-baccalaureate medical education, in which students begin their medical studies after earning a bachelor's degree.


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Learning about human cancer from fruit flies

Scientists in Singapore and Spain have gained new insights into the activity of a tumor-suppressor protein in fruit flies that could aid the understanding of some human cancers. The study, published in PLOS Biology, might ...

New understanding of the inner world of lysosomes

Researchers at Duke-NUS Medical School and colleagues in Singapore have identified a protein that transports degraded membrane lipids out of lysosomes, cellular organelles that are the breakdown factories of cells. The findings, ...

Small proteins play big role in cellular energy balance

Scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School have discovered new molecular details of how cells ensure that their energy supply is adjusted to meet energy demand. Their study, carried out in collaboration with researchers at the ...

Scientists develop new technique to reveal the hidden genome

Using an innovative new technique, scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School and their collaborators have identified thousands of previously unknown DNA sequences in the human genome that code for microproteins and peptides potentially ...

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