The Canadian Astronomical Society is a Canadian society of professional astronomers, founded in 1971 and incorporated in 1983. The society is devoted to the promotion and advancement of knowledge of the universe through research and education, and its membership is open to people with a professional involvement in astronomy and the related sciences. The main activities of the Society are its annual scientific meetings, the planning and realization of scientific projects, the support of the scientific activities of its members, and the dissemination of related information among members and other interested people. The quarterly newsletter of the Society, called "Cassiopeia" is published at equinoxes and solstices.


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Astronomers clash over the distance to the famed North Star

(—The North Star (Polaris) has played an important role in human history, yet knowledge of its fundamental parameters is unsatisfactory. That problem is attributable in large part to uncertainties tied to the star's ...

Black holes play hide-and-seek in low-luminosity radio galaxies

Every galaxy is thought to harbor a supermassive black hole in the center, or nucleus, of the galaxy, and in active galaxies this black hole is fed by infalling matter. This "central engine" is typically surrounded by dusty ...

The origin of the s-star cluster at the galactic center

( —Scientists Fabio Antonini, of the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, and David Merritt, of the Rochester Institute of Technology, have developed a new theory that explains the orbits of the massive ...

Another amazing ALMA result

Observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have revealed some of the most distant and actively star forming galaxies in our universe, thanks to an effect called gravitational lensing, which ...

Researchers unveil Jupiter's smallest known moon

( -- At a measly 2 kilometres in diameter, the smallest of two moons recently discovered orbiting Jupiter may be the giant planet's smallest known satellite.

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