Poverty plays complex role in entrepreneurship for Indian women

Over a billion entrepreneurs in the world operate in subsistence economies, often living hand to mouth. Is there a relationship between such poverty and entrepreneurial activity? A new study in the Journal of Public Policy ...

Yes, AT&T, it pays to win back lost customers

The competition for customers in the service sector is fierce, and new customers are entering the market all the time. So when a company such as Time Warner, Travelocity, or AT&T loses a customer, is it worth it to try to ...

In Beijing, does a desire for status mean Chevrolets over Senovas?

Everyone in China knows global automobile brands such as Ford and Chevrolet. But do those brands really sell better than local ones such as Senova or Eado? The answer is yes, and the reason lies in a complicated mix of brand ...

National identity: Does buying local mean shunning global?

U.S. consumers are often urged to "buy American," and some special interest groups even claim that buying foreign products is inappropriate, or even immoral. But when it comes to buying domestic products, positive feelings ...

When certain consumers bought its lemonade, did Frito-Lay groan?

Positive customer feedback, to say nothing of positive sales, is always a good sign of a new product's potential success, right? Not necessarily, says a new study in the Journal of Marketing Research. According to the study, ...

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