The 'protein from hell' tamed in seven years

After seven years of intense research, a research group from Aarhus University has succeeded—through an interdisciplinary collaboration—in understanding why a very extended structure is important for an essential protein ...

Electric cable bacteria breathe oxygen with unheard efficiency

Ten years ago, researchers at Aarhus University, Denmark, reported the discovery of centimeter-long cable bacteria, that live by conducting an electric current from one end to the other. Now the researchers document that ...

Twenty-one per cent of all citations go to the elite

In the span of only 15 years, a small academic elite has increased its share of academic citations significantly. In the year 2000, 14 per cent of all citations went to the top one percent of the most cited researchers. New ...

No insect crisis in the Arctic—yet

Climate change is more pronounced in the Arctic than anywhere else on the planet, raising concerns about the ability of wildlife to cope with the new conditions. A new study shows that rare insects are declining, suggesting ...

Artificial intelligence puts focus on the life of insects

Scientists are combining artificial intelligence and advanced computer technology with biological know how to identify insects with supernatural speed. This opens up new possibilities for describing unknown species and for ...

Integrator: A guardian of the human transcriptome

In a joint collaboration, Danish and German researchers have characterized a cellular activity that protects our cells from potentially toxic by-products of gene expression. This activity is central for the ability of multicellular ...

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