Materials Science

Researchers zero in on the underlying mechanism that causes alloys to crack when exposed to hydrogen-rich environments

When deciding what material to use for infrastructure projects, metals are often selected for their durability. However, if placed in a hydrogen-rich environment, like water, metals can become brittle and fail. Since the ...

Social Sciences

International study highlights large and unequal life expectancy declines in India during COVID-19

A new paper published in Science Advances today finds that life expectancy in India was 2.6 years lower in 2020 than 2019, with women and marginalized social groups suffering the greatest declines.

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Tech Xplore

Pandemic health behaviors linked to rise in neonatal health issues

Studies show that social distancing and other public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic effectively reduced the spread of the deadly virus. However, they had unanticipated effects such as reduced health care accessibility ...

Making clinical guidelines work for large language models

Clinical guidelines are essential to the practice of evidence-based medicine, but they are long and complex, which makes it hard for busy doctors to quickly and easily find the information they need to care for each patient.

Chemists design novel method for generating sustainable fuel

Chemists have been working to synthesize high-value materials from waste molecules for years. Now, an international collaboration of scientists is exploring ways to use electricity to streamline the process.

Hubble views a potential galactic merger

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 5238, located 14.5 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici. Its unexciting, blob-like appearance seems to resemble ...

Immune system key to understanding cancer evolution

A collection of papers published in Nature journals have transformed our understanding of how lung cancer evolves over time, in particular how the surrounding environment and immune system drives changes.

Which areas of our brains represent the colors we see?

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet: The colors of the rainbow are well known to anyone who remembers "Roy G. Biv." However, scientific research has long shown that such colors are not inherent to the physical ...

Hydropower plants to support solar and wind energy in West Africa

Hydropower plants can support solar and wind power, rather unpredictable by nature, in a climate-friendly manner. A new study in the scientific journal Nature Sustainability has now mapped the potential for such "solar-wind-water" ...

Using electrical stimulus to regulate genes

This is how it works. A device containing insulin-producing cells and an electronic control unit is implanted in the body of a diabetic. As soon as the patient eats something and their blood sugar rises, they can use an app ...

Google expands paid carpooling across California

Google is expanding its paid carpool service throughout California, building on an effort to get more traffic-weary drivers to share their rides to work—and to collect data that could be useful for future transportation ...

Looking at complex light wave forms

For the first time, an international research team under the direction of Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Sansone at the Institute of Physics at the University of Freiburg has been able to completely characterize the complex evolution ...

How attitudes to diversity change after a terrorist attack

As the reality of the horrifying terrorist attack on Manchester sinks in, it is easy to assume that such an atrocity will make it harder for the people of the city to get on – with all their differences, divisions and diversity.

Random numbers—hard times ahead for hackers

Whenever we need to communicate in secret, a cryptographic key is needed. For this key to work, it must consist of numbers chosen at random without any structure – just the opposite of using the birthdate of our favourite ...