Plants & Animals

Bumblebee queens choose to hibernate in pesticide-contaminated soil, scientists discover

An alarming discovery from University of Guelph researchers raises concerns for bumblebee health, survival and reproduction. U of G environmental sciences researchers Drs. Nigel Raine and Sabrina Rondeau have found that bumblebee ...


Lignin molecular property discovery could help turn trees into affordable, greener industrial chemicals

Trees are the most abundant natural resource living on Earth's land masses, and North Carolina State University scientists and engineers are making headway in finding ways to use them as sustainable, environmentally benign ...

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Uncovering new regulatory mechanisms in embryo implantation

Implantation is the initial step in pregnancy, where the embryo attaches to and enters the endometrium, the inner tissue layer of the uterus. During this process, the cells of the endometrium change to build the right conditions ...

In vitro model helps show why breast cancer spreads to bone

Researchers from Tampere University, Finland, and Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, have developed an in vitro cancer model to investigate why breast cancer spreads to bone. Their findings hold promise for advancing ...

Materials of the future can be extracted from wastewater

A group of researchers is on the way to revolutionizing what biomass from wastewater treatment plants can be used for. Biopolymers from bacteria can be a sustainable alternative to oil-based products, and phosphorus and other ...

Pioneering river restoration declared a success

A year on from the completion of a three-year project on the National Trust's Holnicote Estate in Somerset to reconnect a section of a river to its floodplain—the innovative "Stage 0" river restoration technique, first ...

Q&A: Experts discuss the beaver, a controversial mammal

When an endangered species succeeds in repopulating its former habitat, the immediate reaction is one of joy. In the long term, however, its spread is often associated with conflict. One example is the beaver, a keystone ...

Microcomb-injected, pulsed lasers as variable microwave gears

Low-noise microwave signals are of critical importance in numerous applications such as high-speed telecommunication and ultrafast data processing. Conventionally, such signals are generated with bulky and delicate microwave ...

Driving behavior less 'robotic' thanks to new model

Researchers from TU Delft have now developed a new model that describes driving behavior on the basis of one underlying human principle: managing the risk below a threshold level. This model can accurately predict human behavior ...

A revised map of where working memory resides in the brain

Working memory: it's how you make a mental shopping list without forgetting the milk, or memorize a number just long enough to write it down. But working memory is more than a prerequisite for a successful errand—the ability ...

VirScan offers new insights into COVID-19 antibody response

A tool designed to detect viral history in a drop of blood has gotten an upgrade in the age of COVID-19. VirScan, a technology that can determine which of more than 1,000 different viruses have infected a person, can now ...

Evolution of pine needles helps trees cope with rainfall impact

If you have ever hiked in the woods and been surrounded by the sight and smell of pine trees, you may have taken a closer look at pine needles and wondered how their shape, material properties, and surface wettability are ...

Finding right drug balance for Parkinson's patients

Parkinson's disease is most commonly treated with levodopa, a drug which alleviates the slowing of bodily movements, called bradykinesia, found in Parkinson's disease patients.

NASA-NOAA Satellite spots 2 tails of Hurricane Max

NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite captured an image of the latest tropical cyclone in the Eastern Pacific on Sept. 13 along the southwestern coast of Mexico. After Max formed as a tropical storm, it appeared to have two "tails." ...

NASa sees remnants of irma ready to exit Eastern US

NASA's Terra satellite and NOAA's GOES East satellite have been just two of the fleet of satellites monitoring the life and death of former Hurricane Irma. Imagery from both of those satellites over two days show the movement ...

California crabbers use GPS to find whale-killing gear

Fisherman Jake Bunch leans over the side of the fishing boat "Sadie K," spears his catch, and reels it aboard: an abandoned crab pot, dangling one limp lasagna noodle of kelp and dozens of feet of rope, just the kind of fishing ...

Old fish few and far between under fishing pressure

Like old-growth trees in a forest, old fish in the ocean play important roles in the diversity and stability of marine ecosystems. Critically, the longer a fish is allowed to live, the more likely it is to successfully reproduce ...