Plants & Animals

Researchers find dragonfly species with darker wings have evolved to withstand heat and attract partners

Temperature determines where species can live and if they are threatened by a warming climate. So, for a long time, biologists studied how heat tolerance affects survival. Yet, less is known about how thermal traits influence ...


Fossils and fires: Insights into early modern human activity in the jungles of Southeast Asia

Studying microscopic layers of dirt dug from the Tam Pà Ling cave site in northeastern Laos has provided a team of Flinders University archaeologists and their international colleagues with further insights into some of ...

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Astronomers race to capture image of exoplanet near star

Planet AF Lep b is a world of firsts. In 2023, it was the lowest-mass planet outside our solar system to be directly observed and have its mass measured using astrometry. This is a technique that charts the subtle movements ...

Polar jet stream could reveal Saturn's rotational period

A hexagon-shaped atmospheric phenomenon first spotted on Saturn by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 has intrigued scientists since the 1980s. More recently, NASA's Cassini mission has periodically observed the hexagon and its embedded ...

Crickets were the first to chirp 300 million years ago

An international team, led by Dr. Sabrina Simon (Wageningen University & Research) and Dr. Hojun Song (Texas A&M), succeeded in tracing the evolution of acoustic communication in the insect family of crickets and grasshoppers ...

Corals have a secret weapon against a warming climate

Rising ocean temperatures are killing coral reefs, but researchers discovered corals have a secret buried in their genes that just might help them fight off seasonal changes in temperature.

New material senses neurotransmitters in the brain

What happens when you bring three scientists of diverse disciplines together, and give them the resources of two of the country's top research facilities? In this case, they discover a new material that may help scientists ...