Energy & Green Tech

Researchers propose hydrogen storage using existing infrastructure in lakes and reservoirs

In a new Nature Communications study, researchers propose a new method for hydrogen storage using existing pipes located at the bottom of lakes and reservoirs.

Plants & Animals

Study of global primate populations reveals predictors of extinction risk

An international team of biologists, planetary scientists and conservationists has conducted a large-scale study of non-human primate populations around the world to gauge their risk of extinction due to climate change.

Researchers use AI to find non-opioid pain relief options

An estimated one in five Americans live with chronic pain and current treatment options leave much to be desired. Feixiong Cheng, Ph.D., Director of Cleveland Clinic's Genome Center, and IBM are using artificial intelligence ...

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Tech Xplore

Phage cocktail shows promise against drug-resistant bacteria

Researchers have a new battle tactic to fight drug-resistant bacterial infections. Their strategy involves using collections of bacteriophages, viruses that naturally attack bacteria. In a new study, researchers at the University ...

How passion drives or derails team innovation

In companies, innovative ideas often come out of teams. That's why it's so important to have team members who are excited and focused on projects that lead to innovation. However, having team members who are too passionate—especially ...

The sun unleashes its strongest flare this cycle

Yesterday the sun released a huge solar flare, and it's heading toward Earth. It's nothing to worry about since it's nowhere near as large as the Carrington Event of 1859, but it is large enough to give us some amazing aurora.

What's the best material for a lunar tower?

Physical infrastructure on the moon will be critical to any long-term human presence there as both America and China gear up for a sustained human lunar presence. Increasingly, a self-deploying tower is one of the most essential ...

Gravitational lens confirms the Hubble tension

We've known the universe is expanding for a long time. The first solid paper demonstrating cosmic expansion was published by Edwin Hubble in 1929, based on observations made by Vesto Slipher, Milton Humason, and Henrietta ...

The relationship between plant traits and ecosystem function

In a longitudinal study, an international research team led by Leipzig University has investigated the consequences of changes in plant biodiversity for the functioning of ecosystems. The scientists found that the relationships ...

Catalyst for sustainable gas synthesis

ETH researchers have developed a catalyst that converts CO2 and methane efficiently into synthesis gas—a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. This could potentially help to produce sustainable fuels and plastics

Oral cancer pain predicts likelihood of cancer spreading

Oral cancer is more likely to spread in patients experiencing high levels of pain, according to a team of researchers at New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry that found genetic and cellular clues as to why metastatic ...

Taking the STING out of MND

Melbourne researchers are working towards a potential treatment to slow the progression of motor neuron disease (MND), offering hope to people with this debilitating and incurable illness.

The propagation of admixture-derived evolutionary potential

Adaptive radiation—the rapid evolution of many new species from a single ancestor—is a major focus in evolutionary biology. Adaptive radiations often show remarkable repeatability where lineages have undergone multiple ...

Setting a TRAP for pandemic-causing viruses

A research team led by Nagoya University scientists in Japan has developed an approach that can quickly find synthetic proteins that specifically bind to important targets, such as components of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The ...

Lab develops unprecedented long-term wildfire prediction model

Wildfire indices and high-resolution climate models combine to produce a detailed historical analysis of wildfire events across the U.S. and suggest the potential for more severe and frequent fires in the latter half of the ...

DOJ's Rosenstein takes aim at Silicon Valley encryption

A high-ranking Department of Justice official is taking aim at Silicon Valley's methods for protecting privacy, saying there should be a public debate about whether companies should create digital lock boxes that cannot be ...

Teleoperating robots with virtual reality

Many manufacturing jobs require a physical presence to operate machinery. But what if such jobs could be done remotely? This week researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) presented ...

Nobel-winning technique like "Google Earth for molecules"

Three researchers won a Nobel Prize on Wednesday for developing a microscope technique that lets scientists see exquisite details of the molecules that drive life—basically providing a front-row seat to study these tiny ...

A win-win for spotted owls and forest management

Remote sensing technology has detected what could be a win for both spotted owls and forestry management, according to a study led by the University of California, Davis, the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research ...

Fish shrinking as ocean temperatures rise

One of the most economically important fish is shrinking in body weight, length and overall physical size as ocean temperatures rise, according to new research by LSU Boyd Professor R. Eugene Turner published today. The average ...