Energy & Green Tech

Researchers propose hydrogen storage using existing infrastructure in lakes and reservoirs

In a new Nature Communications study, researchers propose a new method for hydrogen storage using existing pipes located at the bottom of lakes and reservoirs.


A recurrent neural network-based framework to non-linearly model behaviorally relevant neural dynamics

A key objective of several neuroscience studies is to understand and model how the dynamics of distinct populations of neurons give rise to specific human and animal behaviors. Many existing methods for exploring the link ...

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Phage cocktail shows promise against drug-resistant bacteria

Researchers have a new battle tactic to fight drug-resistant bacterial infections. Their strategy involves using collections of bacteriophages, viruses that naturally attack bacteria. In a new study, researchers at the University ...

How passion drives or derails team innovation

In companies, innovative ideas often come out of teams. That's why it's so important to have team members who are excited and focused on projects that lead to innovation. However, having team members who are too passionate—especially ...

The sun unleashes its strongest flare this cycle

Yesterday the sun released a huge solar flare, and it's heading toward Earth. It's nothing to worry about since it's nowhere near as large as the Carrington Event of 1859, but it is large enough to give us some amazing aurora.

What's the best material for a lunar tower?

Physical infrastructure on the moon will be critical to any long-term human presence there as both America and China gear up for a sustained human lunar presence. Increasingly, a self-deploying tower is one of the most essential ...

Gravitational lens confirms the Hubble tension

We've known the universe is expanding for a long time. The first solid paper demonstrating cosmic expansion was published by Edwin Hubble in 1929, based on observations made by Vesto Slipher, Milton Humason, and Henrietta ...

How HIV smuggles its genetic material into the cell nucleus

Each year, about 1 million individuals worldwide become infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. To replicate and spread the infection, the virus must smuggle its genetic material into the cell nucleus and integrate ...

Teaching nature to break man-made chemical bonds

For the first time, scientists have engineered an enzyme that can break stubborn man-made bonds between silicon and carbon that exist in widely-used chemicals known as siloxanes, or silicones. The discovery is a first step ...

Why cancer immunotherapies don't work for everyone

A multi-institutional study co-authored by University of Texas at Arlington scientists uncovered a mechanism by which cancer cells prevent the immune system from activating and attacking the cancerous invaders.

Team accomplishes precise measurements of the heaviest atoms

An international research team has successfully conducted ultra-precise X-ray spectroscopic measurements of helium-like uranium. The team, which includes researchers from Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Helmholtz ...

Cellular scaffolding rewired to make microscopic railways

Princeton researchers have learned to harness the gossamer scaffolding that maintains the structure of living cells and used it to develop a nanotechnology platform. The technique eventually could lead to advances in soft ...

Scientists document over 500 bee species in Minnesota

Minnesota is home to a great variety of biodiversity due to its position at a confluence of four of the planet's major biomes—aspen parklands, prairie grasslands, deciduous forest and coniferous forest. Now, University ...

Exploring Stephan's Quintet with multiple senses

Experts created two new visual and auditory experiences to explore the complexity and beauty of a compact galaxy group known as Stephan's Quintet. The guided three-dimensional visualization surveys the galaxies—their structures, ...

Food waste and the complexity of New York City's garbage

Working steadily every day, "New York's Strongest," the city's Department of Sanitation, works to clear our streets of mountains of garbage. The Department is well-managed, and its Commissioner, Jessica Tisch, is a creative ...

Damping waves with 50,000 rubber grass blades

Dimitris Dermentzoglou, PhD student in Coastal Engineering, is investigating whether salt marshes can serve as a natural solution for coastal protection. It is why he mimics salt marsh vegetation at the TU Delft Waterlab. ...