June 8, 2023

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Non-police services for domestic abusive victims shown to decrease witness statement provision, but reduce victimisation

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Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Victims of repeat domestic abuse are less likely to provide witness statements to police when they have access to non-police services, according to a study from the University of Surrey.

The study, which was conducted in partnership with Leicestershire Police, was one of the largest randomized controlled trials (RCT) on to date and involved a sample of 1,015 unique cases. The study evaluated an , which lasted for six months, that provided victims of police-reported domestic with dedicated caseworkers who facilitated access to the 24 different non-police available in the area.

The results of the trial revealed three key findings:

Dr. Martin Foureaux Koppensteiner, lead researcher and co-author of the study at the University of Surrey said, "Our research found that while the intervention led to a significant and surprising decrease in witness statements, they also led to a reduced risk of future incidents occurring. The vast majority of victims of police-reported domestic violence are women, and it's key that existing services available to them can be accessed as easily as possible."

Domestic violence affects over 1.8 million people in England and Wales.

In the UK, domestic abuse non- support services are available through a number of publicly funded and voluntary service providers. Such providers include charities like Refuge, Women's Aid, ManKind, and Galop.

By highlighting the effectiveness of interventions aimed at enhancing victim access to support services, the study stresses the importance of a multifaceted approach to addressing the issue of domestic violence.

The study is forthcoming in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

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