Computer tutor gives students the skills to dream bigger

Delray Beach resident Falon Velez would like to see more little girls dreaming of designing cars instead of playing dress-up with Barbies. The 34-year-old computer whiz is the creator of TeachGeek, a tech support and teaching company that sets everything up from Alexa systems in homes to offering 3-D printing tech classes at schools throughout South Florida, including Grandview Preparatory School and St. Paul Lutheran School in Boca Raton.

"I launched a camp program this summer as well as an after-school program," Velez said. "Students learn (computer-aided ) programs and 3-D printing and make some amazing designs. We want to educate people ages 7 to 90 to learn technology."

Velez said she was dazzled by a unique plant pot design one of her youngest students came up with. "One of my students designed a pot on SketchUp ((design software) to bring to her friend in Norway," Velez said. "Then she printed it out on a 3-D printer, and it was really incredible to watch her take the design from her mind to reality. I love working with kids because I feel you can use these tools to something really good or make an important invention for the world."

Some of Velez's students have also created their own games and cars. "When I see my students see their visions come to life, it really makes me feel like I'm doing something to give back," Velez said.

In addition to teaching classes, Velez offers full services and will set up systems such as the Nest.

"Smart home technology is making people's lives a lot easier," Velez said. "I have a lot of clients ages 50 and older who want these systems. I also work with a lot of moms who have four kids and four schedules. I encourage everyone to get Amazon's Alexa. She'll add things to your calendar or help you set alarms or with recipes while you're cooking. She's an awesome virtual assistant."

Artist Elaine Krupnick worked with Velez to sharpen her tech skills. She complimented Velez and the staff at TeachGeek on their patience.

"Falon is a great teacher to work with," Krupnick said. "I feel like there is nothing I cannot take on with this technology."

For more on TeachGeek, visit

©2017 Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.)
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Citation: Computer tutor gives students the skills to dream bigger (2017, October 19) retrieved 27 July 2024 from
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